The man - woman difference.


I've learnt a lot of things over the past few months. A-lot. God, things I couldn't even write down.
But the main lesson I've learnt is the complete difference between how men and women handle or deal with situations.
And I've come to the conclusion that most women feel things a whole lot deeper than men.
 I dunno, that's just what I've witnessed.

 (Maybe i'm just associating with the wrong type of men...maybe or definitely.)
I can't even begin to understand how men find it so easy to be a certain way, without any feelings or urges pushing through and getting in the way.
How is it that some men can just forget about the feelings, and just do it?
God, as a woman all i do is feel things! So intensely it drives me insane.
 My emotions are literally uncontrollable, I can't just push them aside and pretend they don't exist, and i can't stop myself from feeling anything because it just happens without any way to stop it.
But men just seem to have this switch that they can turn off so they don't have to feel anything. They're just very logical about their actions and don't seem to think or feel with their heart.

 Maybe that sounds a bit dramatic or cliché but it's true to me.
It's not just from situations that have happened to's what I've seen from friends and family. How males are always in charge of a situation, and women end up being the victim of their own feelings, and are made to feel weak or pathetic or OTT.
Okay...maybe I am a bit weak and pathetic and OTT, but I'm kind of proud of that because I am proud to admit that I feel things!
Very deeply and powerfully. And maybe that makes me go a bit insane sometimes..
but I'd rather feel a whole bunch of shitty feelings than nothing at all.
I just wish that men were the same! I wish situations weren't one sided.
 I wish I could talk to people about these things too!
But like I said...maybe I'm just socializing with the wrong kind of men.
Sounds about right.
This whole blog post sounds like i'm just talking to myself..but I know what I mean!
Do you?

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