I've had quite a bit of experience with the dreaded 'psycho ex-girlfriend' and I still to this second do not get it. I decided to take a bash at ranting about this topic because it seems to be effecting quite a few people I know.
Ex's are obviously ex's for a reason. Whether it was a mutual decision, they broke it off with you, or you decided to move on with your life and break it off yourself. Why ever and whenever it happened, there was most definitely a reason behind it. After all, we don't just break up with people we care about for no reason right? what point after this relationship do some girls decide to be a total bitch to their ex? I don't really understand this fascination with an ex's life. My ex boyfriend and I are on great terms despite everything we went through together. I decided to end the relationship due to it just not working any more, and after a few weeks of childish bitterness towards each other (because the initial break up is never nice) we decided to suck it up and move on. Because no good can come from dwelling on the past. It seems that me and my ex don't really have anything to do with each other anymore, but if we see eachother we're civil, and we're both extremely happy for eachother with our new partners.However some girls choose to not take this mature route of growing up and moving on..No, it seems some people enjoy still trying to involve themselves in their ex's life. One way or another. Whether it is to sabotage their current relationship, or just make their life a living hell - they try their best to work their way back in.
I just do not understand this. Why, if you know you and this person are no longer compatible, and this person is now in a relationship with someone new (and can i add are extremely happy) do you insist on involving yourself?The first reason that springs to mind is an obvious one. Jealousy.
I understand that you may be jealous of your ex in a new relationship. C'mon we've all been there when it drives you crazy to see this person you spent so much of your time with doing the exact same thing with another person. Checking their facebook wall and/or tweets (admit it, you've done it!) and anytime you see these two together it makes your heart sink into your stomach. I know how this feels ladies, and I know it is a horrible thing. However!
I'm sorry but at some point you have to suck it up and move on with your life.
I'm sorry but at some point you have to suck it up and move on with your life.
You dwelling about your ex's fantastic new relationship is just putting you down, and however much you might try to cover this up..("Wooo i love being single, would hate to be with my ex again what was i thinking?" "Eurgh I'm so glad i have something better to talk about than my boyfriend...") commenting on people's love live's like that is just making your insecurity shine brighter than ever. I don't get why you'd want to broadcast this to people.
It can be hard moving on with your life, especially when you've spent so much time with this person. Maybe they were your first love? I get that it's hard to forget those feelings because I've been in this exact position. But at what point do you say to yourself "move on with your life."? As soon as possible I think, before you start turning into that dreaded psycho ex girlfriend.