New Years Resolutions
14:32So it's January. Christmas is over, everyone's depressed and skint, and we're rethinking our lives and thinking how we can make them happier, more productive and just all round better.
I've been feeling this way too, but I'm actually quite proud that i've been able to avoid my seasonal depression this year and actually feel productive. Well. I feel like being productive if that counts..
So in my determination I've thought of some things I would like to achieve this year. Not massive things - but little things that will improve my life and health :)
1. Become Fit & Healthy
I know right, what a cliche! But I really want to feel better about myself. Not for anyone else but myself. I want this to be the year i accept myself and love my body because it's mine.
I think exercising and eating properly will really help me with that - i want to get toned & lovely for me and for holidays...which brings me on to my next one...
2. Travel
When i say travel, unfortunately i can't quit my job and travel the world for a year. However much i would love to. But i'd like to still use my holidays as an adventure. I want to see beautiful places, take as many photos as possible and just enjoy being in new places.
3. Spend More Time with Family
I don't make enough time for my family. I think this has built up over time for personal reasons but as i'm getting older the more i'm realising that people aren't here forever. And it really scares me. But i want to make more time for the people i love, and the people who have made me who i am.
4. Finally Get My Acne Sorted
I cant actually remember a time i didnt struggle with my face. Scars, spots, cysts, massive pores blaaaaagh the list is bloody endless. I've been really stubborn and tried to fix my skin with expensive skin care, diets and lots of water. But i think its time to realise its ok to turn to medication if its what you need and it fixes your problem!
5. Keep Up With My Mental Health
2016 despite a lot of things was actually quite a positive year in terms of my mental health. Of course i had a few blips, its to be expected when you suffer from depression as its a constant struggle. However, i actually think ive done really well with the help of the people around me to stay in a good place. I feel more in control of my brain than i have done in a long time!
I also think all these new resolutions will really help with making me happy & healthy in my mind aswell :)
So those are mine. Did you guys make any resolutions this year? Do you think you'll stick to them? I actually feel really pumped for this year!! 2017 can't be any worse.. can it? We've just got to make it the best it can be :)
Love Beth Xxx